Dear Coexis community;

While experimenting with how to take the Coexis project to the next level of user participation and re-organize how things work, I made an error with member promotions (tied to user votes and points) and how posts work. To make matters worse, I confused the staging ('draft') version of the website with the production ('live') version. While I would normally just fix mistakes right away, how easily I made these errors caused me—as I do when my actions seem out of character—to consider it as a possible sign that something else might be wrong. As often happens in my life, sometimes I seem to be pointed in an other direction from the one my heart wishes to go. (And sometimes that pointing is a slap in the face.)

As much as I want to continue the Coexis project and connect with all of your minds and hearts (and the thousands of lurking guests who have visited) ,I realize that I can no longer continue doing things the way I normally would. As much as I wish to continue walking along my former path, I know that it is not one that will have the greatest benefit to humanity. I began the year with sacrifices that opened my mind to a new way of thinking, and it seems that I am not done moving past what no longer aligns with what my subconsciousness compels me to do.

One day, I know that all of this, and its logic, will be understood. But probably not anytime soon.

With great love,